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Pet Spay and Neuter Services in North Little Rock

At Healthy Life Pet Clinic, we advocate for responsible pet ownership, including opting for spay and neuter services to protect your pet’s overall health. We love animals and want to help your pet enjoy a full, healthy life free from issues caused by reproductive organs. Our team is committed to empowering you with valuable insight to make an informed decision for your pet. 

While many people think that spaying and neutering aim at preventing unwanted births and overcrowding of animal shelters, there are an array of benefits your pet can enjoy due to this treatment. Our team will discuss how this routine procedure can boost your dog or cat’s overall quality of life and prevent various cancers and behavioral issues. Contact us today to learn more about spay and neuter services in North Little Rock. 

What Are Spaying and Neutering?

Spaying and neutering dogs and cats are routine procedures performed to sterilize your pet, preventing reproduction. Our friendly team will discuss the specifics of the procedure, including the sedation options we offer to maximize your pet’s comfort, during your consultation. Here is a breakdown of the procedures: 

Spay: Spaying is a procedure performed on female cats and dogs that removes the uterus and ovaries, halting the natural heat cycle and preventing pregnancy. 

Neuter: Neutering involves removing the testicles of male dogs and cats, which makes them unable to impregnate a female and decreases their testosterone levels. 

Benefits of Spaying or Neutering Dogs and Cats

There are a variety of physical and behavioral benefits to neutering or spaying your cat or dog. Choosing this procedure doesn’t just improve the quality of life of your pet but also for your family and community. Here are some of the benefits to enjoy with spaying and neutering in North Little Rock: 

Reduce Overpopulation 

Sadly, when people can’t or won’t find good homes for a litter, they end up on the street or in an animal shelter. Overpopulation of stray cats and dogs leads to overcrowding in animal shelters and often euthanasia of dogs and cats of all ages. 

Eliminate Spotting 

Female cats and dogs have cycles that cause spotting. You can stop spotting by getting your cat or dog spayed.  

Prevent Certain Cancers 

Spaying and neutering can prevent or reduce the chances of certain cancers in pets. This procedure can make a significant difference in protecting your pet from cancer and tumors that attack the reproductive organs, like testicular cancer or ovarian cancer. 

Prevent Unwanted Pregnancies 

An unwanted pregnancy can create a stressful problem as you help your pet through the pregnancy, delivery, and finding homes for the litter. Spaying and neutering prevent unwanted pregnancies.  

Reduce Roaming Instinct 

When animals are in heat, they often roam due to the driving instinct to mate. It can be particularly dangerous because pets are at risk of getting lost or injured by traffic or other animals. 

Improve Behavior 

Removing the reproductive organs can stabilize your pet’s behavior because they won’t experience the overload of hormones associated with being in heat or looking for a mate. It can improve your pet’s behavior by reducing aggression.  

Our Process for Pet Spaying and Neutering

We begin with a nose-to-tail examination of your pet to ensure they’re healthy enough for the procedure. Our veterinary team will discuss the surgery and what to expect when you pick up your pet. We review sedation options and what you can do to help your pet feel safe and relaxed during the healing process. This procedure is often completed in a single day so your pet can recover at home.  

Dog and Cat Spay and Neuter FAQs

We understand that selecting a procedure for your pet can seem like a complicated decision, and it’s natural to have questions. That’s why we encourage you to share your questions and concerns. We are happy to provide the answers and insight you need to make an informed decision regarding your pet’s custom treatment plan. Here are some of the most common questions we receive about dog and cat spaying and neutering in North Little Rock: 

How do I care for my pet after spaying or neutering?

After the procedure, it’s a good idea to use a protective cone or protective shirt to keep your pet from licking the surgery site. Your pet will need a clean, safe area to rest in while they recover from spaying or neutering.  

What age should my pet get spayed or neutered?

The best age for your pet to be spayed or neutered is often determined by the breed and size. However, many pets can be spayed or neutered as early as 4 months 

Will my pet act differently after spaying or neutering?

Your pet may seem calmer or more relaxed after spaying or neutering because of the decrease in the hormones that drive them to seek and compete for a mate.  

Spaying and Neutering for Pets in North Little Rock

A routine procedure can protect your pet in a variety of ways. At Healthy Life Pet Clinic, we offer effective pet spaying and neutering to help your dog or cat enjoy optimal health. Whether you want to spay an adult dog after she’s had a litter of puppies or you want to ensure your new kitten doesn’t develop a habit of spraying as he matures, you can count on our team to provide helpful information and the services necessary. Contact us today to schedule your pet’s spay or neuter in North Little Rock.